Organ Related Books For Sale

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The Atlantic City Convention Hall Organ Book
by Stephen D. Smith
Large 11 1/2" x 13" book full of lots of original B&W pictures of the installation of the huge Midmer Losh organ. A fantastic book full of lots of interesting information. I am told it is out of print. You will love it!
Priced at $90.00 plus shipping

Atlantic City Convention Hall Organ Book Atlantic City Convention Hall Organ Book
Atlantic City Convention Hall Organ Book Atlantic City Convention Hall Organ Book
Atlantic City Convention Hall Organ Book Atlantic City Convention Hall Organ Book
Atlantic City Convention Hall Organ Book Atlantic City Convention Hall Organ Book
Atlantic City Convention Hall Organ Book Atlantic City Convention Hall Organ Book
Atlantic City Convention Hall Organ Book Atlantic City Convention Hall Organ Book
Atlantic City Convention Hall Organ Book

The Church & The Fine Arts Book

 Priced at $15.00 Plus Shipping


Chorales by J.S. Bach book

 Priced at $15.00 plus shipping


Gleason Method of Organ Playing Book

 Priced at $15.00 plus shipping


How To Build an Electronic band Organ by Victor Searle

Out of print book

Photo Copy of entire book in plastic note book

Priced at $20.00 plus S&H


Complete Opera Scores 

 Some are older European Editions with very nice covers and leather spine 

Three are newer. 

Here is your chance to get very expensive complete opera scores at a cheap price

 Priced at $12.00 each score plus S&H 








Washington National Cathedral Book

 About 100 pages

 Very nice book on the cathedral with lots of color pictures

 $15.00 plus shipping


Lot of 19 OHS Organ Handbooks from the 80’s, 90’s and early 2000’s

 Priced at $25.00 for the lot plus S&H


Theatre Organists Secrets Booklet

 This is a very old photo copy of a long out of print (I assume) booklet

 This tells an organist how to make many theatre organ sound effects that were used for silent pictures.

 It gives examples and is very interesting .

 It was given to me 40 years ago by a then 80 year old theatre organist.

 Priced at $20.00 plus S&H



The Dickinson Kimball Story 25th Anniversary edition

All about the Kimball organ at Dickinson High School in DE.

Pictures of the organ in the Boyd Theatre and after installation at Dickenson.

This 1996 printing by the organ club at Dickinson has all the information and is a very nice booklet.

Priced at $15.00 plus S&H


















